20-24 February 2013
  • Belarus /
  • Sport /
  • Belarusian Riders among Strongest Athletes

Belarusian Riders among Strongest Athletes

Olga Panarina

(World champion, track cycling)

«I’ve never been obsessed with being defeated. Why should I be distressed, if someone appears stronger at the moment! You should just start from the very beginning to win in future».

Natalia Tsylinskaya

(Olympic bronze medalist, World champion, track cycling)

«There is somewhat a presentiment of victory... first world won. Before the start I was watching my competitors and understood that they wouldn’t reach me. At the Olympics, when I got the bronze, I knew beforehand that both Anna Meares and Yonghua Jiang would excel me. It was just a foreboding, which couldn’t be stated for sure; it was like sixth sense».

Alexander Lisovski

(World champion, track cycling)

«I’m not a romantic; it’s a hard job to treadle. But beautiful landscapes, speed and wind are not alien to me; they are the things I love cycling for! Either, I like cycling for an ability to see the entire world, like in the kid’s song „I treadle and turn the wheel; I want to see the world“. Really, I’ve already visited half of the world...»

Konstantin Sivtsov

(World champion, U23 Road Cycling Championship)

«Victory is a sweet word... This is a peculiar image for me and for the entire country. This is a pride of my family. It sounds exciting, when everybody talks about Belarus. Victory causes unforgettable feelings. As a rule, nobody recollects who has finished the second; the winner reaps all the laurels!»

Vasiliy Kirienko

(World champion, track cycling)

«For me, a bicycle is not just a machine, or a kind of metal construction. It is a somewhat greater thing, the one I can’t live without. Bicycle is an essential part of me. I know its every millimeter, as my own body; every second of the race I feel its character... I wouldn’t imagine my life without it».

Alena Omeliusik

(European champion, track cycling)

«It may sound trite, but everything is easier at home. Support of the family and friends; it gives you additional power! I’m very glad, that the Championships will be held in Belarus. Though, there are no friends on the track, where stays is for its own, I would like to wish „fast seconds“ on the Minsk track to every rider. And the strongest will win!»

Evgeniy Gutarovich

(The winner of the prestigious cycling races, road bicycle racing)

«I hold my competitors in high respect. They do the same huge and difficult work, as all we do. Moreover, they give you a chance to win. Sure, we are friends, but only after crossing the finish line. During the race, everyone pursuits the only aim — to become the first. To know weak sides of your competitor, sports anger and excitement of the competition process, this is exactly what guarantees you success».

Oksana Popko

(European champion, track cycling)

«The secret of success is in persistent training to achieve the goal. Everything else, like speed, reliable bike, national uniform, adrenaline, the best competitors, cool training staff and the big aim to win, just makes me delighted».

Vladimir Kaminski

(Olympic champion, road bicycle racing)

«I have a dream to appear on the Olympic stadium under the Belarusian flag, as a member of the national team. I wish not only the bronze medal of Natalia Tsylinskaya were in the box of the Belarusian riders; some more Olympic medals would be fine! And I want these medals to be placed in my hometown Gomel!»

Oleg Logvin

(Olympic champion, road bicycle racing)

«If to sum up all the kilometers, I have covered in my career, it appears that I have already travelled all over the Earth on equator line, for over dozen times. For sure, every kilometer was extremely difficult, with no ease. I would say that these were kilometers of victories, and kilometers of grief».

Tatyana Sharakova

(World champion, track cycling)

«Health, strength, energy and years of renunciation every sportsman lays at the feet of Her Majesty Victory. That is why every athlete deserves to win. But any of us posses something, what makes us a second faster. For me, it’s a support of my family...»


© Belarusian Cycling Federation, 2012